
Friday, April 6, 2012

Deployment Creations: March Projects

So, you must be asking yourself "what wonderful craft projects did Michelle do this month?"

Well, I asked myself that same question on March 29th, and was shocked that the answer was ... Nothing!!! Sad, I know, but I was so busy!!

First I went to Washington to work sewing expo for my mom (kinda counts?), then we had a fun transition period with Jamie who is settle into the terrible twos and starts his day at 4 a.m. (AAHHH!!!), then George surprised us with a visit, and I got a job and enrolled Jamie in school. Whew! I'm tired just thinking about it!

I guess I kind of did a project. With Jamie starting school, I pulled out a set of ripped sheets that I knew I had to find a way to recycle into summer blankets for Jamie, but my sewing machine is still not set up, so on Friday, I took them with us to my mom's and she helped make 2 pillow cases for a small pillow and 3 blankets for school that also fit his toddler bed. (Thanks, mom!!) she did the sewing and I ran around playing with scissors and cutting the sheets (don't worry, I didn't actually run with scissors!)

They turned out pretty good and I love the blue color of the sheets. The pillow king-sized cases that came with the sheet set, fit the body pillow I made for Jamie when he was an infant to keep him from rolling into unsafe areas (like into the sleeping dog). Perfect!!

I did start some projects that will be finished soon, so look for them in April's post at the end of the month!