
Saturday, March 28, 2009

Pink Pretties for my Cozy Kitchen

This week I am profiling my beginnings for my pretty pink kitchen. As I'd said before, my great-grandmother's Pink Depression glassware was the inspiration for this room. With that thought in mind, I'd recently started painting pottery with friends at a local pottery place. Here are some of my "works of art." It was a lot of fun! The teapot I did with my sister-in-law and best friend Mindy and the teacup I did with my friend Misty.

A cute mug perfect for hot cocoa and whipped cream!

I painted this planter when Mindy came to visit.

Last weekend I was in Houston for a bridal shower and found this at the local grocery store, it was for Easter eggs, but I couldn't pass it up ...

Thanks for stopping by! I will be busy this weekend prepping for my exit exam for my master's degree ... wish me luck!

Until our next visit ...

Sunday, March 15, 2009

A Polka Dot Planter How-To

Monday, the MP Battalion where I work held their Volunteer Recognition Ceremony. Each of the four units in the battamed a volunteer of the year, someone who had done an outstanding job over the past year. They each got a special certificate and gift. They were fun to make. Here's how I did it:

Step 1: Chose the pieces you want. I used medium-sized terracotta planters with saucers.

Step 2: Sand them to remove any ridges or rough spots.

Step 3: Let them dry completely. Be sure to flip over so the interior drys as well. I let them dry for more than 24-hours.

Step 4: Paint them. I used 3 coats for the base, letting each dry at least and hour or two before adding the next one. Dependingon the paint you can get creative and drag a dry-brush over the top coat while wet to get striping. After dry, do secondary color. Try sponding a complementing over the top.

Step 5: After the pieces are completely dried, add accessories. I glued ribbon of the complementing color to the rim and then added ribbons.

It is a very easy project, but does take time for the drying. If you want, you can add a clear coat once the paint dries for a shiny look. Later, probably next week, I'll add pictures and instructions for using these pots for other projects.

Until our next cup of tea ...

Saturday, March 14, 2009

A New Beginning and A Obsession

Now, Pink Depressionware is not so new to me, as you may recall an earlier post featuring my great grandmother's pieces I acquired a few years ago.

I'd decided that these would be the inspiration for my kitchen decor. They are so delicate. So I've been looking around for other pieces ... glass knobs, candleholds, goblets. Soft touches of pink everywhere.

I've learned from senior spouses, that in military life deployments and moves are inevitable, but the best way to make it feel "normal" amidst so much change is to make sure there are common "comforts" or "constants" that remain. So as we make plans to start a family, these things have become more important to me. Until now, my constants have been work and school, but both of those are coming to an end and I am excited to now focus on creating a beautiful home.

What are some of the "comforts" in your life? You don't have to live the life of a nomad to have a "happy place" or items that sooth you.

Until our next visit ...