
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Tote-ally Out of Control!

So I finally had time to sit down and play with the sewing & embroidery machine that my husband got me for Christmas. Well, actually, I've been sewing on it sporatically for the past 10 months (as I can fit in now that the baby is getting more mobile.)

Well, I'd only been able to try out the embroidery part once before and I couldn't figure out why the tension was too loose causing big loops during stitching. When my mom came to visit in August she looked it over and I learned I was using the wrong thread weight. Whew! That's an easy fix!

Well, I'm finally getting around to trying it again and "Voila!" it worked! I was embroidering like a fool the last three last night!a Anything I could get my hands on. I actually "destroyed" a neatly organized and color coded bin of fabric looking for anything to embroider on! Unfortunately, I ony had one bobbin left and filled it with the orange I wanted to use for Baby Geo's Halloween tote, so Halloween orange it was!

First I practiced a little and then did a Halloween towel for the kitchen ...

It turned out so cute I got started ... I made his tote, then me a tote, and since I had more orange floss left ... I made a Halloween tote for his godmother & aunt, Mindy. (Since she doesn't visit thie blog I can post it. We surprise her with it tomorrow!) Here they are ...

Baby Geo's Halloween bag

My Halloween "boo" bag



Aunt Mimi's Halloween tiny tote (front & back)

I had so much fun, I looked through my fabric bin and decided to make myself the every day tote I'd been planning but never found time for. I got to play around with some decorative stitches and created a one-of-a-kind pink and chocolate tote, measuring just over 16 inches wide and just shy of 16 inches tall. What do you think?

I have a little "perfecting" to do on the tote, but once I get it figured out I think I'll make one for Mindy and my niece Stepha, my mini-me, for Christmas. I'll post pics when I do.

Until our next cup of tea ...

1 comment:

  1. Very cute! I really like your everyday tote. Nice job on everything.
