
Thursday, October 3, 2013

Freedom in Many Languages

I've been slowly tackling projects on my list of half-finished projects list. One of my favorite projects, which I named Freedom in Many Languages, was actually an unfinished project that I didn't know what to do with at first.

The pattern was in a cross stitch publication that was given to me in my late teens by a cross stitcher who was sorting through and getting rid of some of her older CS magazines. It was not one I did initially, but it was one I did early on in married life, I think.

I started the project and at some point put it aside, maybe because of school, military deployment by my husband or possibly something else temporarily caught my attention. (I readily admit a distraction by shiny things!) In my early days of CS if I found that I had made a mistake, I would often set aside to figure it out later- now I just alter until I fix it. However,hen I went back to finish it later, crisis - I could not find the book! I was devastated! I really loved that pattern, even though at the beginning I had no idea what to make from it as I don't do wall-hangings.

This was the original look and description:

"Freedom's Voices"  
  •  7 languages --  Chinese (2 characters), English, Hebrew, German, Russian, Yoruba (an African language), and Spanish
  • One design with three color schemes -- Rainbow, Shaded Blue, Blue/Red 
  • Stitch count is 151 x 78
  • on 14-count fabric, finished design size is approximately 10-7/8" x 5-5/8"
A few years later when reorganizing my Works in Progress and creating a list, I came across it and decided to revisit the project. Though I had already moved on from the more country look of my early projects to a preference for shabby chic and English Garden that has developed my adult years in crafting.

So with a little bit of "fabric shopping" in my mom's fabric stash, I decided to make it into a pillow - just the way it was. Luckily, I didn't stop in the middle of a word, rather just left off two. 

Oh, now that I compare the photos, I noticed I skipped a word- I may have been at a lose at what to do. Now I just roll with it! I rarely do anything according to the pattern exactly anymore. Everything has a twist or change.

Regardless, it has won the approval of my toddler, who has now claimed it for himself.

So what projects have you set aside and come to, only to change directions from your original intent?

Until our next cup of tea ...

1 comment:

  1. I love it! Kudos for 'changing direction'. I think it looks great.
