
Friday, October 25, 2013

Monster Treats for A Class That's Sweet!!

It has finally arrived! The week before Halloween is one I look forward to each year, because there is such a whirlwind of activity with last minute planning for Halloween events.

Last year was the first time my little one participated in a school organized Halloween activity, for him it was a Trunk-or-Treat followed by a lunchtime party, which I participated in. 

Of course, by then I had built a reputation for crafts artisan with teachers' gifts and holiday treats. (I am a firm believer is showing appreciation for educators.) So I dressed as a gypsy and decorated the back of my SUV with scarves and glad bowls of beads and other colorful and decorative things. It was a hit.

This year, I'm sticking to the classics - a witch - but not scary. But more on the costumes later.

This week, I have been prepping after work and a few days ago made these "monster treats" for him and his classmates. They were so easy. All of the filling - candy, stickers, straws, yo-yos, spinning tops, etc were either from Dollar Tree (love that place) or leftover from last year or goodies bags from his birthday party. If you read my earlier post on the Halloween wreath, you know that's where I got the google eyes as well. The orange cups and lids I got for about $4 at Target (for 15 cups). 

Step 1: Fill Cups with Treats

Step 2: Glue Eyes Onto Outside of Cups

Now you could switch the two steps, but if you use round cups (these were a little square) they may be more likely to roll, so filling first gives then weight and holds them steady. I also used one big candy (Tootsie Roll) to help them stay balanced when laying down. I don't know, maybe I over-thought it, but that was a problem on a previous project.

It also helps to have your "helper" in dress in character ... And he also taste-tested the "lollipops" (he loves saying it right now.)

This was quite a quick project to do and budget-friendly as usual. I didn't put anything in there that couldn't travel well, made sure to balance toy and candy ratio and as usual with kids nowadays, made sure there was nothing with peanuts in it. That is a rule at his school, but also a courtesy (I feel) since kids at this age still don't understand how to monitor for themselves nor the consequences of disregarding a health concern like that.

Until our next cup of "Witch's Brew",

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