
Saturday, February 8, 2014

Grandmother's Inspiration

Every day I look for inspiration. You never know when or where it will find you. With that said ...

In January I started keeping my small fabric scraps with the hope of finding something to do with them. It seemed like a waste to throw them away and I kept forgetting to bring them to friends who have the patience for miniature quilts. So while I was perusing the Quiltsmart website making a wishlist for my birthday (2 week or so ago), I realized she had 1-inch Grid Interfacing (I have been doing projects with the 2 and 2 1/2 inch grid). I thought to myself, who would be crazy to cut pieces so small!?! Well fast forward to last weekend and you'll see who is just that crazy!

I was looking for an afghan while watching a movie and the first one I found was a scrap afghan my great grandmother made me years ago when I was in high school. She made it using all the leftovers and scrap pieces of yarn she kept and did the borders in purple. As I was watching the movie I suddenly thought why can't I do this with scraps ... in a quilt!

So the next day I set out to collect all the little piles of scraps from projects and got to work cutting them into 1-inch squares. I'll order some grid panels soon and get started, but I am so excited!! I know I want to keep the scraps together, rather than scatter them in a random collage, but I may do that in a later quilt.

So here is what I need from you ... Do you think I should ...

  • Line all of the squares up in a row OR start in a corner and do more like clusters of the fabric?
  • Should I keep all the panels in the 1-inch grid OR alternate between the 2-inch and 2 1/2 inch grids for larger pieces of scraps?

 Hopefully, I can remember to do a monthly update so we can all see how it is going!

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