
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

When Writing Inspires ...

Last week I gave you a preview to the Fall Quilt Issue of TEAinTEXAS. You may have read the stories and looked through the calendars and advertisements, but did you read the Letter from the Editor?

Well, in short, I concluded that often times I feel inspired to explore myself when I work with advertisers or write stories, and this issue the inspiration was instantious. 

Often times, writers and journalists write about something they may not necessarily expereinced first-hand, but by taking with those who have and subject matter experts they can still write an accurate and informative feature. When it comes to quilt shop hops, I was in that catagory.

Now, I have watched my mother and grandmother quilt for years and even started quilting myself, though it was slow at first. But I still am learning and experiencing things. Remember, this past year I participated in my first Round Robin

Well, one of the features for this Quilt Issue was shop hops ... what are they, what do you get out of them, etc. Well, once I finished my research, spoke with quilters and interviewed shop hop coordinators I was hooked. Using it as an incentive to get all my features written and sent to the publisher, I vowed to participate in my first shop hop before the issue hit the newsstands!

Well, here is a sneak peek of the article, but feel free to find the digital magazine here and see how you can be inspired! Come back tomorrow, to hear about my shop hop experience and what I plan to do in the future!

Until our next cup of tea ...

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