
Saturday, December 13, 2014

Festive Fun with a Friend!

Today I had an alone-day. My dear husband was taking his last final of the semester and my parents were taking Lil Monkey to their community's Christmas parade. I attempted to get some long overdue house cleaning done, but then the craft store was calling my name. As soon as my neighbor got her kids and husband off to their respective activities, we headed over to JoAnn's to get supplies to make wreaths.

Now we've both been wanting to make Mickey Mouse holiday wreaths since our two families went to Disney together about 18 months ago. Her husband was more than ready for her to got get the stuff to get it done. My husband was used to my project fixations.

So off we went. The store is pretty picked over at this point and they are already putting out Valentine's Day stuff, but we found what we needed and about 2.5 hours later, this is what we had ...

Her wreath was a beautiful greenery wreath with ornaments and bows ...

Mine was a wire wreath with ornaments strung (and glued) to it. I filled in some of the empty spots after this, but forgot to take another photo.

All in all it was a fun afternoon, and something we'd nover done before. First we've never had a kid-free day at the same time, secondly she's never really done craft projects of this size before, but I think she is hooked now. She is already looking for Spring wreath ideas. I've created a monster!!

Another quick project I did was this vase. The case itself was 70% off because it had a chip in it. As a 
collector of the occasional chipped teacup, I wasn't deterred. The 4 berry branches were 70% off as well. I added some Epsom salt to the vase which I had at home. So for about $8 I created this fun centerpiece. (Later I found 4 more berry branches from a live wreath we had last year - 2 dark red, 2 gold.)

Another great craft adventure complete!!

Until our next cup of tea ...

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