
Friday, January 16, 2015

#FrostedPumpkinFriday: Let's Get This Party Started

EEK! I can’t believe its that time already! I signed up a few weeks ago for the Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery’s Story Time Sampler Stitch-A-Long! The first pattern was scheduled to be released Jan. 15 (yesterday). I was so excited, I even set my calendar to remind me!

So yesterday, a little after 7 p.m. I logged onto my email to see what stitching happiness was waiting for me in my inbox.

Luckily, I waited until the Lil Monkey had eaten and was settled in watching TV with Daddy, because I opened it up and just like a favorite book, I was hooked!

So today, I officially start #FrostedPumpkinFriday on my blog. Last week my fabric from Picture This Plus arrived. It is a beautiful, hand-dyed grey 28-count Laguna in a light grey called “Storm”. I was in love when I opened the package. I’m a grey-and-pink kind of girl, so I was in heaven with this piece. Now the pattern called for a 1/8 yard cut, but I ordered1/4 yard when I saw the color.

I also picked up most of the DMC floss needed for the project earlier this week. The original was made with Weeks Dye Works, but the pattern provides the conversion numbers. I think hubby is less happy when I buy floss than when I buy stuff to start a new project, since I literally have containers of leftover floss from other projects. I guess that $.39 starts to add up in his mind.

I’m excited to get started on the project and even have a little more time that I thought because I recently decided not to go into the magazine office on Fridays. There are 2 computers and 3 desks, but have up to 5 staff members at any given time and with us blending and packaging teas on Fridays, a lot of the work space is used for orders and prepping for events. I can take a hint.

So it looks like on weeks I don’t have errands or meetings near the office and Lil Monkey’s school, I can be found at a nearby Starbucks sitting and stitching on this project. I may need to take donations for that … or alternate at the library. That’s kind of poetic, stitching on a Story Time Sampler at the library.  

I’m excited to post weekly updates here at The Teacup Collector’s Cottage. I would love to see your progress as well. Feel free to post a picture or link to your project. Just remember, out of respect for the designers, please do not post photos of any part of the pattern.

Until our next cup of tea … 

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