
Tuesday, February 3, 2015


At the start if 2015 I knew I wanted to focus on being creatively inspired. It's not that I haven't been inspired in the past, I just decided that I would live each day open to the chance to be creatively inspired. Whether its the color of the flowers in front of my son's school, the design on the shirt of a random stranger in the grocery store or taking something and using it in a new and different way.

Living life more creatively helps keep the boredom caused by the repetition of daily life at bay. Earlier today I was watching an episode of Heros on Netflix and one of the characters was in the kitchen with a grey, yellow and white dish towel and for some reason the pattern caught my eye and I made a quick note of it in my quilting notebook. I may use it in a quilt one day, I may not, but it caught my attention.

Yesterday, recieved a package from Quiltsmart with some panels I needed for projects in progress. Inside they had included some extra panels from various Quiltsmart patterns or ZigZapps and I spent about an hour this morning sorting through and trying to decide on some quick projects to do.

Inside the scrap pack, was a partial panel of Mary's Flower Garden. It looked like they needed one flower from it for a project or something so I had 5 flowers to work with.

I've really been going through a "French Colonial" phase, or shabby chic, depending on my level of relaxation. When I got home after work, I dug through my fabric and found this beautiful yellow floral by Robyn Pandolph that I had been saving for a "special" project because there wasn't a lot of it.

After getting the Lil Monkey settled into a Lego project and doing some cleaning in the ktichen, I sat down at my sewing machine and whipped up a proejct in no time. Within two hours I had 4 flowers and all the fabric cut that I needed to make a summer-inspired table topper.  I just need to sew it all together. Hopefully, I can get some time one day this week to finish it up. Life has been a little busy lately. 

I love that it is so easy to try different backgrounds. This green was really pretty as well, but I just love the floral fabric.

Well, I'm off to clean up my work space ... a maybe find a little bit of inspiration in that pile of fabric. I hope every day you too look for ways to stay #creativelyinspired.

Until our next cup of tea ...

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