
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Valentine's Treats, Simple and Sweet

Each Valentine's Day I try to do something special and creative for Lil Monkey's school mates. I'd rather do a simple craft with the Lil Monkey than to just buy stuff from a store, because my dad and stepmom didn't celebrate Valentine's Day when I was growing up.

In an earlier post, I showed you heart shaped colors we made for his school mates. Tonight I placed them in bags and added these cute stickers for him to pass out tomorrow.

Well also picked up a variety of chocolate for his 2 teachers and filled cute colorful flower pots with candy, a flower clip and this two-sided note ... 

I love that he scratched out "apple" and wrote in chocolate. Sometimes an apple doesn't make a teacher as happy as some sweet treats!

It doesn't have to be elaborate to be special.

Until our next cup of tea ... 

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