
Saturday, October 18, 2014

A Tea Pot, One Stitch at a Time

Well, we are nearing the end of the layout and design of the Winter Issue of TEAinTEXAS, and we are about to start planning for the Internaltional Quilt Festival in Houston, even as we completed an event this weekend where staff (not me) manned a table and sold many of our tea products and accessories. 

While the publisher and design team finish the last of the issue, I am making samples of some quilt patterns that we will be selling at the Quilt Festival. They are all tea-related patterns and earlier this week, I finished the top of the tea tray placemat. It was a quick and easy pattern, even though I am not a fan of triangles in quilting.

I love that I am able to choose my own fabrics and these three were used in other projects. I'll post the others as I get them finished.

Until our next cup of tea ...

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