
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

I'm Dreaming of a Pink Christmas

Anyone who knows me, knows I love pink. Like OBSESSIVELY!! While I love all pinks, I am partial to light pinks, especially paired with white or lace. 

One goal, or dream, is to one day have a pink and white Christmas tree. I mean, I want a green tree, but the ornamnets would be pink, white and a little silver. So every so often, I get a little creative and make some pink or white ornaments. There is no time that gets me more inspired than Fall and Winter.

About 2 weeks ago, I decided to recreate some ornaments that I had made when I first got married and was creating ornaments for our family tree. It was a fairly new technique then, but has become more and more common.

You simply pour small amounts of paint from 2 or 3 colors into glass (or plastic) ornaments and rotate them inintervals until they create a marble look, or unique blended design. This year I made 12 (and already broke one). Here are a few of the ornaments from the first batch.

The ones that I made when we first married were a variety of colors and I will try to take a picture of some when we put our tree up this year, but I did find these ...

Until our next cup of tea ...

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