For those who have been following my first blog about my life as a military spouse may recall a post about an art piece I had commissioned for my husband's return from Iraq last fall. For those who didn't read it, let me explain ...
I am a HUGE support of military spouses, particulary artists and am always looking for original art pieces (as an artist myself!). Another military spouse gave me the name of military spouse artist who could recreate anything using the person name or a word or phrase. To be more specific she creates a picture by writing a word over and over in different ways to give depth and demension. Anyone from Texas knows how proud Texans are so this was the perfect piece.
I had so many people asking for the artist's contact info after I posted it and I was happy to pass it along. Well, ask no more, my friends, because now the artist Maria, has her own blog as well as a Esty shop! Now you can explore her beautiful art without waiting! GO! See what she's up to now ... I am am off to explore more of her work!
Until our next visit ...