However, while I have the energy and limited back aches, I wanted to post pictures of a quilt I'd put together for Jamie. As I'd written in the Christmas post on my military life blog, Cup of Tea with Friends, I got a sewing and embroidery machine for Christmas and was so excited, I had it out of the box within an hour (I had to clean up all the mess we'd made first.)
As hubby sat down to play one of his new XBox games, the pup and I headed upstairs to the guest room to see what fabric I had in the craft bins. Most of it was pinks and other "girly" fabrics and I really wanted to do something for the baby. After a bit of searching (and nearly destrying the almost completely organized closet) I found some 6-inch squares of muslin fabric and blue with tan stars fabric. I'd forgotten that at one time I was going to make George a quilt (even though I had no sewing machine!)
Since it matched Jamie's Vintage Mickey bedding set, I brought it downstairs and got started. The next day we went to Jo Ann's after visiting a Soldier in the hospital and I picked up some burgandy striped material (among other things). By the start of the new year, this is where I'd gotten ...
As you can see it sort of matches his Vintage Mickey-themed bedding set. (I wanted something that would grow with him!)
My mom arrives tomorrow and I will have her go with me to get material for the border and backing so we can finish it.
Well, I'm off to rest!
Until our next cup of tea ...