It's begining to look like Christmas ...
Well, I can see the end in sight, but still got lots to do before we can fill it with goodies. I got a little more done this week. I'd hoped to be further this week, but I didn't like the letters in the original pattern so I spent a little time looking through other books and stuff for ones I liked, then last night I found them ... in the pattern before this stocking in the same book!
This week was also Veteran's Day so hubby had a 4-day holiday and we spent some family time together. He even went with me to the craft store on Friday (Michael's) and Saturday (JoAnn's) so I could pick up some stuff I need for the stocking and to make my nieces a little present for the holidays. My brother is self-employed and they had their first baby 3 months after Jamie ... my mom's second grandchild, a girl! My younger half-sisters, whom he and his wife adopted shortly after they got married and are now considered "nieces" are in college (2) and high school (2), so they voted to just get one big family gift this year instead of individual gifts. Mom makes afgans like crazy, so she's going to pull some that she finished and put away for them. Anyway, they're really great girls and have been a great help to my brother and sister-in-law after a difficult pregnancy, so I wanted to surprise them with something. (My SIL has muscular dystrophy and was off her feet starting at about 3 months I think.)
Anyway, back to the stocking, now I'm ready to get the header done this week and hopefully some of the face ... UGH! I hate the intricacies of faces ... all those half and quarter stitches! Oh, well, hopefully this time next week it'll be over ... then I can concentrate on finishing the filler parts and then the dreaded backstitching!
Week 11 (Nov. 14)
Until our next cup of tea ...