Now this is what I've become accustomed to, but the other day I notice a similarity between military life and crafting. Now, I know you're probably thinking, "Where is she going with this?"
Well, as a military spouse, you often learn to cope with the stress, seperation and rollercoaster life ... for me, I participate in a variety of crafts ... cross stitching, quilting, scrapbooking and organizing.
Well, the other day, while hubby was finishing up a conference somewhere to the north of us (which being in S. Florida could be anywhere, I guess!), I went to Lowe's to finally get the pegs for the bookshelf that had gotten lost when we moved here 15 months ago. With a baby soon to arrive, it was not a priority at the time, and life since then has been a little hectic. So I finally got around to it because with hubby gone, I had planned to box up most of the books which were from when I was finishing my masters and the leftover "professional development books" he had from the Army but he isn't using at this assignment. My goal was to use it for books on the top and organizing crafts on the bottom.
So anyway, while I was there I was looking at paint samples which I use in the house book (another story) so that when we are buying furniture, moving, etc. I can make sure that everything is matching as close as possible. So the associate asked me if I was looking for a particular color.
"Oh, I'd been thinking about painting the kitchen," I said, though it wouldn't be until our next move.
"Well, what color are you looking for?," he asked.
"DMC 535, is what I want for the walls, but its accented with 3716," I replied, not even thinking about it.
After a moment of silence, I turned and looked at him and the confusion on his face was evident.
"Oh, I'm sorry," I said with a laugh, "I've been handstitching some kitchen towels. Its a medium grey and a light pink."
"Oh, he said with a laugh, "well, those are over here."
I thanked him and grabbed a sample or two of the grey. "I guess you think I'm a little crazy," I said, as I turned to go get the furniture pegs.
"No really," he replied. "My wife picks colors by shoes designers. At least you're makes sense."
I walked away laugh and thought to myslef, I'm sure it all seems to make sense in our heads, its once you say it out loud that you start to wonder ...
Until our next cup of tea ...