A few weeks ago the Friday Freebie I posted was a tribute to my grandmother's battle with breast cancer ... while inspired, it also gave me another idea. So with permission from the designer and a little color change I completed a Triple Tribute to my military husband and two grandfathers who also served in the military. This is actually the first post I think that will be cross-posted on all 3 of my blogs!
designed by:Artecy Cross Stitch
Pattern found at: Artecy' Cross Stitch Free Patterns
September/October 2011
(Ribbon towel) Charles Craft cotton ShowCase Towels with a
rectangular 14-count Aida panel
(Army towel) Charles Craft cotton HomeDecor Towels with a
14-count Aida panel insert
(bookmarker) Charles Craft cotton 18-count bookmark with lace-trimmed
DMC 743 (yellow); DMC 742 (gold)