So here is a more indepth list (and some photos) of my cross stitch WIPs. As I was collecting photos for the post I found even more than the original post listing them! Yikes!
Jamie’s Christmas Stocking: hoping to get done in the next few weeks! Various posts recently showing progress.
Army Seal: started in summer 2002, but am stitching on 22-count over 2, set it aside for something more relaxing on the eyes. I have about 85-90% done, but last worked on it every day the 3 months my father-in-law was in the hospital. After he passed it was hard to look at, so it went to the closet. This will be the hardest to complete. (Photo taken: 11/14/2008)
Daisy Tablecloth: this is one of my favorites, but since it is a repeating pattern I usually alternate with other projects. I lost it for a minute when we moved, but found it just as I was starting Jamie's stocking. Definitely want to get it done before next spring. (Photo taken: 4/16/2010)
Rose Quilt Blocks: I bought these quilt blocks in hopes of making it for our spare bed, but then changed my mind. Want to finish and decide what to do with at that point. I think there are 6 panels. (Photo taken: 10/17/2010)
"Lindsey" Stained Glass: This was actually an altered pattern. I think the stained glass was a holiday piece, so I found some lettering that I liked and decided to change it to our last name so we could display all year-long. A friend borrowed the book to stitch a stocking for her husband, but 3 years later returned the book having only done one for her son. Unfortunately the book was returned the week we were moving, so it is on a box somewhere since the craft room had already been packed. When I find to project, I'll post a photo.
Easter Bunny and Egg: My mom bought this pattern and I was excited when she asked me to do it for her, but then she bought those cheap varigated threads from Wal-Mart instead of the WDW specialty threads and I HATE stitching it, but it's been 5 years and she keeps pestering me, so hopefully I can muster the strength to finish for this year. (Photo taken: 1/18/2009)
Roly Poly Santas: I loved these! They were in a cross-stitch magazine and I fell in love. Unfortunately I had one of those totes that you can put photos in, and Sgt. Major took offense to the dog (him) on the bag and pulled if off the closet door and chewed through the bag and one of the Santas while I was at work. I couldn't figure out how to repare the rip, so I set it aside, but hope to finish for next Christmas. (Photos taken: 8/19/2007)

12 Small Christmas Ornaments (former SAL): I am HORRIBLE at stitch-a-longs! Please don't ever let me join. I do good the first month or so, then life happens and I NEVER finish! Maybe that's why every time I do an exchange I send off my piece (I'm good when its for other people) but never get one myself. This has happened 4 time! Anyway, I was doing an ornament one the first two are completed ... the third one, not so much ... and number 4-12 never got started! They are small and its a great set so I am determined to get them done! (Photos taken: 10/17/2010)

Watermelon Dish Towel: a free pattern than came with the towel purchase. I started this one last year and it got packed up in the move from Georgia to Florida. I was stitching on it when we were driving back and forth to Houston (from Florida) for the baby shower last Novemeber, so when I find it, I'll post a photo.
Candy Cane Dish Towel: another free pattern that came with the towel purchase. It was lost among the packing when we move from Louisiana to Georgia (see a pattern?)

Heart Ornaments: I actually just found these. I'd completely forgotten. When my husband was deployed the first time in 2005, I would stitch these when I'd got hide out at my Father-in-laws on weekends. We were only 3 hours away and he was the only one who truly understood what I was going through. I guess I'll finish these up for our red, white and gold tree. (Photos taken: 10/17/2010)

Well, that's the cross stitching WIPs, at least the ones I am aware of. It has taken me 23.5 hours to complete this post! If I find more projects I'll definately post. Soon I will add the sewing WIPs, some of which are cross stitch patterns that need to be "finished".
Until our next cup of tea ...