One goal that I had this year was to stitch a kitchen towel for each holiday. They usually only take a few days to make so, here's a look at what's been keeping me sane ...
This was a quick Valentine's Day towel. I stitched much of it while I flew to Houston for a quick weekend trip.
This one was a favorite. It was actally a freebie pattern from Accent's Inc., called Jester Face. It didn't have a color legend, you were able to pick your own colors and make it unique.
This one was a fun one. It was another freebie from Penelopis' Cross Stitch Freebies. Its a wonderful site with BEAUTIFUL patterns, I think she's got some amazing stuff and can't wait to get more done.
I did it in the bright pink that I have splashed throughout the kitchen. Eventually, I'd love to do white on a soft grey for my office. I think it would e so pretty in white frames. If anyone has suggestions for where I'd find some fabric, please let me know.
Lastly, this one took a bit of time. First I had to convert the colors from specialty threads listed on the pattern, then I was stitching on it intermittently as I was stitching the others because its "fall-ish" and its hard to get in the mood of "darks" when Spring is just around the corner. Eventually, I'll do a few more in the freebie series and as soon as I find the website, I'll post it.
Well, I'm off to get more blogging done (on our family site so my parents can see pics of their No. 1 grandchild!)
Happy crafting,