Thank you for visiting my little cottage. I think it is time to introduce you to my collection, each with its own precious memory. Each week I will introduce a new piece, in the order I acquired them. I am so proud of them and can't wait to show them off. Have a seat and let me start from the beginning ...

Growing up I loved to look at my maternal grandmother's tea cup collection, from afar of course. I only got to see them when I'd visit my mom after my parent's divorce, so it was special for me.
She kept them on top of the china cabinet, but there was a silver tea set that sat out on the coffee table, probably because it was unbreakable (trust me I dropped it a few times.) My grandmother wasn't a "high class socialite" but she is a firm believer in perfect manners, being polite and getting the most from your education.
I always wanted to start my own collection one day. Something to pass along to my children, along with the stories and memories.
Growing up in my father's house with 11 siblings offered little chance of getting new toys, much less working on a collection such as tea cups or tea sets. I understood, but still maintained that one day I would have one.
My first tea cups (above) I bought as a senior in high school in 1995. I bought them out of a Christmas catalog, you know the one with the chocolate covered fruits and nuts. When they arrived, I was so excited. I unwrapped them an put them on the top shelf above my desk, which was pretty safe at the time as I finally had my own room.
When I left for college I carefully packaged them up and transported them with care to my new home with my mom. At the time she and my stepfather were building their new home so we lived in a makeshift house in "the barn" which is actually a well insulated metal building that is now the warehouse for her supply quilting company. At the time it was like living in a huge loft with makeshift walls from heavy bookcases and furniture. There they sat on my tiny bookshelf reminding me of what I hoped to one day create, as I finished my first degree.
I pursued a second degree and when I left my mother's home for college, I again packed them with care carried them to their new home. Each summer carefully packing them away until the next school year where they'd be one of the first things unpacked and placed in a place of honor. It wasn't until the summer of 2002 when I'd be able to add to these pieces.
Until our next visit ...