Saturday, June 2, 2012
This day is not going well at all ... dog was up all night so I got NO sleep, and he woke the child 4 times, then child was up for good at 5 a.m., threw a tantrum when Daddy kept calling on Skype over and over but the remote didn't work, and did it again when we got off of Facetime with Daddy. He won't eat breakfast but has instead decided to empty both his bag and my purse and put random items in my coffee cup, which doubles the meaning of my "I need more coffee" today. Can I CTR+ALT+DEL this day and try again!?!

Monday, May 7, 2012
Just too much ...
So for a while I've been trying to maintain 3 different blog and with a new job, a deployed husband, a highly active toddler and grumpy senior bulldog, I think I'll have to make some allowances. That doesn't mena that I won't be doing crafts - its what keeps me sane - or that I won't be blogging about it. I'll just be blogging on my military spouse blog A Cup of Tea with Friends. I will keep this one up though, so you can look back and get the links to some of my projects. I hope you'll come visit me ... but grab a cup of tea first, we'll have lots to talk about!

Friday, April 6, 2012
Deployment Creations: March Projects
So, you must be asking yourself "what wonderful craft projects did Michelle do this month?"
Well, I asked myself that same question on March 29th, and was shocked that the answer was ... Nothing!!! Sad, I know, but I was so busy!!
First I went to Washington to work sewing expo for my mom (kinda counts?), then we had a fun transition period with Jamie who is settle into the terrible twos and starts his day at 4 a.m. (AAHHH!!!), then George surprised us with a visit, and I got a job and enrolled Jamie in school. Whew! I'm tired just thinking about it!
I guess I kind of did a project. With Jamie starting school, I pulled out a set of ripped sheets that I knew I had to find a way to recycle into summer blankets for Jamie, but my sewing machine is still not set up, so on Friday, I took them with us to my mom's and she helped make 2 pillow cases for a small pillow and 3 blankets for school that also fit his toddler bed. (Thanks, mom!!) she did the sewing and I ran around playing with scissors and cutting the sheets (don't worry, I didn't actually run with scissors!)
They turned out pretty good and I love the blue color of the sheets. The pillow king-sized cases that came with the sheet set, fit the body pillow I made for Jamie when he was an infant to keep him from rolling into unsafe areas (like into the sleeping dog). Perfect!!
I did start some projects that will be finished soon, so look for them in April's post at the end of the month!
Well, I asked myself that same question on March 29th, and was shocked that the answer was ... Nothing!!! Sad, I know, but I was so busy!!
First I went to Washington to work sewing expo for my mom (kinda counts?), then we had a fun transition period with Jamie who is settle into the terrible twos and starts his day at 4 a.m. (AAHHH!!!), then George surprised us with a visit, and I got a job and enrolled Jamie in school. Whew! I'm tired just thinking about it!
I guess I kind of did a project. With Jamie starting school, I pulled out a set of ripped sheets that I knew I had to find a way to recycle into summer blankets for Jamie, but my sewing machine is still not set up, so on Friday, I took them with us to my mom's and she helped make 2 pillow cases for a small pillow and 3 blankets for school that also fit his toddler bed. (Thanks, mom!!) she did the sewing and I ran around playing with scissors and cutting the sheets (don't worry, I didn't actually run with scissors!)
They turned out pretty good and I love the blue color of the sheets. The pillow king-sized cases that came with the sheet set, fit the body pillow I made for Jamie when he was an infant to keep him from rolling into unsafe areas (like into the sleeping dog). Perfect!!
I did start some projects that will be finished soon, so look for them in April's post at the end of the month!

Sunday, March 18, 2012
Deployment Creations: February Projects
Ah, this I think will be my favorite monthly post. As the second month of my husband's deployment closes and we drift into the third month, marking the 1/4 point, I am busy ... staying busy. So busy, I almost forgot to finish and publish this post, which is why I am half-way through March and just getting to it.
So much happened in February for my family. I went to Korea to visit my husband, while our little guy spent his first week at his grand parents' ranch (usually just an overnight). The little guy turned 2 and not only did his exploration and energy levels increase exponentially, but so did his speech. I went on a business trip for my mom's company,Bear Thread Designs, and met quite a few new friends, which could lead to some additional freelance work for me as well (I am a marketing and public relations profesional doing consulting until I find a job ... and maybe beyond!)
Two of the people I met and worked with on that trip were Traci and Jane of Bigfork Bay Cotton Co. and Jennifer with her new product, The Art Kloth. I left there with a plethora of ideas and can't wait to get started ... but first I have some other projects to finish up.
Here are a few I did in February:
Photo Collages
I made these collages for George's Valentine's Day gift and had hoped to display them at Monkey's birthday party before I left for Korea, but his party was postponed, so they went to Daddy without the parety preview. There is one of pictures from Jamie's 1st year and 2nd year and I think it turned out good for a project I was doing without much instruction or direction. I just printed black and white photos, cut our numbers and mod-podged it onto a sturdy surface (I used uncut photo mats from when I studied photography!). I'll try to post instructions ans photos in a later post.
Fusible Web Applique Centerpiece
I made this centerpiece using scrap fabric, left over fusible and a piece of fabric that covered a random-sized window in our last house (you learn to adapt in military life!)
Grandmother's Family Bracelet
This is a bracelet I made my grandmother for her 80th birthday last month. Each bead represents a family member, 4 children, 7 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren!!
Cupcake Towel
As promised last month, I made another cupcake towel in February. I'm a little nervouse baout March, since the month is nearly over and I haven't even started, but I've got some ideas. This is a larger cross stitched pattern and took me nearly the whole month, so I didn't get a potholder done, but I love the wat it turned out!!
Well, it was a bit of a slow month craft-wise, but I'm hoping to be able to get some things finished up and then I can devote more time to finishing craft projects (Yeah!!)
Until our next cup of tea,
So much happened in February for my family. I went to Korea to visit my husband, while our little guy spent his first week at his grand parents' ranch (usually just an overnight). The little guy turned 2 and not only did his exploration and energy levels increase exponentially, but so did his speech. I went on a business trip for my mom's company,Bear Thread Designs, and met quite a few new friends, which could lead to some additional freelance work for me as well (I am a marketing and public relations profesional doing consulting until I find a job ... and maybe beyond!)
Two of the people I met and worked with on that trip were Traci and Jane of Bigfork Bay Cotton Co. and Jennifer with her new product, The Art Kloth. I left there with a plethora of ideas and can't wait to get started ... but first I have some other projects to finish up.
Here are a few I did in February:
Well, it was a bit of a slow month craft-wise, but I'm hoping to be able to get some things finished up and then I can devote more time to finishing craft projects (Yeah!!)
Until our next cup of tea,

Tuesday, March 13, 2012
It's Not an Addiction ... I Can Stop Any Time ... I Think
Now looking at this picture, you may immediately identify that I have a stitching problem, but you're wrong. I'm not addicted to stitching kitchen towels (and now recently potholders), I can stop at any time ... I think. My problem is that I am having trouble getting the towels and potholders!
Ok, it's not so much that I can't find them, it's that the JoAnn's Fabrics near us has closed and now I have to drive to Pasadena or Pearland for the closest Michael's or Hobby Lobby and with the lil Monkey, that is easier said than done. Luckily, about once a week we go to my mom's house where he plays with the ranch animals and I get a chance to run to the stores near mom (Yeah!).
Recently, I went to JoAnn's while running some errands for my mom who broke her leg and got another towel and potholder for a new project ... Hmm ... what to do?
I also got this little guy to stitch for Monkey's birthday, but ran out of time, so maybe for his Easter basket ... I mean I just want to put his initials on it, but I'm trying to find ones I like.
Well, off to get into more trouble! Until our ext cup of tea ...

P.S. If you look at the first picture, you'll see it doesn't even include the cupcake towels I've been doing lately ... I wonder if there is a support group for this?
Friday, March 2, 2012
On the Road with New Friends!!
Well, I'm on the road, though thankfully not because the Army is moving us yet again. My mom, owner of Bear Thread Designs, and creator of the Applique Pressing Sheet line of products, broke her foot while I was in Korea ... in TWO places!! When she does something, she goes all out!!
Anyway, she was scheduled to do the Sewing and Stitching Expo in Puyallup, WA so I came in her place ... you know, while the little Monkey holds down the fort and hangs out on the ranch with my parents ...
Anyway, I am here with Traci and Jane of Bigfork Bay Cotton Co. and Jennifer with her new product, The Art Kloth!! Let me tell you we are having a great time. "Fun was had by all!" is definitely the theme of this trip!
We are all so inspired by what we see and our brains are overflowing with ideas. I have a list nearly as long as my arm of projects I want to do now. If I could bottle time and save it for these ideas, I'd be in heaven. I'll post pictures of our booth, as well as talk about both Bigfork Bay Cotton Company and the Art Kloth soon, so come back for some interesting stories and a plethora of ideas ...
Until our next cup of tea ...
Anyway, she was scheduled to do the Sewing and Stitching Expo in Puyallup, WA so I came in her place ... you know, while the little Monkey holds down the fort and hangs out on the ranch with my parents ...
Anyway, I am here with Traci and Jane of Bigfork Bay Cotton Co. and Jennifer with her new product, The Art Kloth!! Let me tell you we are having a great time. "Fun was had by all!" is definitely the theme of this trip!
We are all so inspired by what we see and our brains are overflowing with ideas. I have a list nearly as long as my arm of projects I want to do now. If I could bottle time and save it for these ideas, I'd be in heaven. I'll post pictures of our booth, as well as talk about both Bigfork Bay Cotton Company and the Art Kloth soon, so come back for some interesting stories and a plethora of ideas ...
Until our next cup of tea ...

Thursday, March 1, 2012
It's hard to believe its about 6 weeks since George left. It's been the hardest seperation that he and I have faced so far and getting adjusted has taken longer. The pup and the baby are acting out, both in their own creative ways. I've been mindful that with George gone I have to be more patient because there's no one to swoop in and take over in moments like ... well this morning, when Jamie dumped a piping hot cup of coffee on my lap because he wanted to see Minnie Mouse on my mug (note to self, don't use that cup unless he's asleep!!) It has helped that I have managed to get a few minutes of "me time" here and there, between job searching, cleaning, party planning, and helping Mom with some (actually fun) project quilts (I didn't always like it.) Aside from reading, which a more mobile activity, I've also been working on a variety of craft projects. Here is a look at what I did in January:
Skeleton Key Towel
I found this free pattern at a site that has tons of monochormatic patterns. I've done some, like the fluer-de-lis and tiara, but she has tons of cute stuff. This one was quick and easy, day and a half!! (I have no idea why my computer keepsflipping the photo upside down!)
Cupcake Towel and Potholder
This was a fun one. It was free pattern that I had saved a while back and discovered when I was looking on my computer for a project after I finished the key. Now I'm a bit adddicted to the cupacakes and want to see if I can do a towel or other project a month while he's gone. Fun and fat-free!! I've already started on a cross stitch cupcake towel for February and have some patterns for applique, embroidered and cross stitch waiting for later. Mom kinda looked at me a little crazy when I said I wanted to make a cupcake quilt, but she's used to those random remarks!!
Wall Art These were quick and fun (there are 2). I was trying to figure out a way to make the green kitchen tiles fit more into the kitchen and thus began the pink and green kitchen revolution! This was actually the first project I started, but I think I finished the key the same day I got these put together and hung.
Cork Boards I loved this idea which came to me when I was helping Mindy with some baby shower projects. I hung one in the kitchen and one in the office. I want to add a white board and dry erase to the kitchen, but I have to find a way to make those 12x12 inch sizes to match.
Keeping busy has definitely been the key to sanity. Jamie's energy level is growing faster than he is and we go to my Mom and Dad's ranch about twice a week where he runs off some of it. I've got two more January projects that will be posted with February's because they are gifts.
Until our next cup of tea ...
I found this free pattern at a site that has tons of monochormatic patterns. I've done some, like the fluer-de-lis and tiara, but she has tons of cute stuff. This one was quick and easy, day and a half!! (I have no idea why my computer keepsflipping the photo upside down!)
This was a fun one. It was free pattern that I had saved a while back and discovered when I was looking on my computer for a project after I finished the key. Now I'm a bit adddicted to the cupacakes and want to see if I can do a towel or other project a month while he's gone. Fun and fat-free!! I've already started on a cross stitch cupcake towel for February and have some patterns for applique, embroidered and cross stitch waiting for later. Mom kinda looked at me a little crazy when I said I wanted to make a cupcake quilt, but she's used to those random remarks!!
Keeping busy has definitely been the key to sanity. Jamie's energy level is growing faster than he is and we go to my Mom and Dad's ranch about twice a week where he runs off some of it. I've got two more January projects that will be posted with February's because they are gifts.
Until our next cup of tea ...

Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Keeping Busy ... Deployment Daze
I haven't posted in a while, but we've been busy. In December the Army moved us from Miami to Houston. We got home just before Christmas and, as you can imagine, the family was very excited to spend a Christmas with The Monkey (and I'm sure me and hubby too).
Amid all the unpacking and holiday celebrating we also had to prepare for hubby's deployment. He left earlier this month and Monkey and I settled in.
As with the previous deployments, I knew that I'd be spending more time doing crafts, specifically after the baby has gone to sleep.
This past month, in an effort to relax because Monkey has been acting out over daddy's absence, I've been stitching and working on other projects.
I'll be posting some of these projects soon ...
Amid all the unpacking and holiday celebrating we also had to prepare for hubby's deployment. He left earlier this month and Monkey and I settled in.
As with the previous deployments, I knew that I'd be spending more time doing crafts, specifically after the baby has gone to sleep.
This past month, in an effort to relax because Monkey has been acting out over daddy's absence, I've been stitching and working on other projects.
I'll be posting some of these projects soon ...

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